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How Do I Learn English Quickly?

Do you need to learn English for a new job? Want to communicate better with people in your community? Learning English has many benefits that you may or may not consider. Some jobs require English skills, it can be easier to get medical care by communicating in English, and you will be able to convey what you want or are looking for when shopping. There are many reasons to learn English; now it’s time to figure out how to learn English quickly.

How Do I Learn English Quickly?

You have options when learning English quickly. You can either learn on your own or join others learning English in an English program. Both options have pros and cons.


Choosing to learn English on your own is challenging. You can start with a software program or speak with friends and family. While self-study may not be the complete answer, it can help supplement a formal education. Start by surrounding yourself with English on TV and in everyday conversation. You can look up words you are unfamiliar with on the Internet. Understand what people are saying and what the English words mean in different contexts. This can also help you with pronunciation.

Formal Education

Remember how you learned your native language? You learned how to speak in a formal education setting. As a child, you learned your ABCs, then began mimicking adults speaking and moved on to reading and writing. This is the best way to learn English quickly, as well. A good English course will move from simple vocabulary to harder grammatical concepts. 

Step #1: Alphabet

The first thing you will do in a formal education is learn the alphabet. Words are made up of the letters in the alphabet. By knowing the alphabet, you can learn how to read and write. In a program where you’re learning English quickly, the instructor will use everyday items to create an alphabet chart. You may also learn the ABC rhyme to remember the alphabet phonetically. Writing out letters will help you understand upper- and lower-case letters, letter symbols, and the sounds associated with each letter. Being able to read and write starts with learning the alphabet.

Step #2: Vocabulary

The next step is to put those letters together and form words. You will start with common words that are used regularly. Then, as you’re able to move through English lessons quicker, you will learn about verb conjugation, changes in spelling, and usage of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

Nouns – a word for a person, place, thing, or idea. Proper nouns start with a capital letter. They can be singular or plural.

Pronouns – used in place of nouns called antecedent.

Verb – a word in a sentence that expresses action or being. A verb must agree with its subject. 

Adjective – used to modify or describe a noun or a pronoun. 

Adverb – describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

Preposition – placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase modifying another word in the sentence.

Conjunction – joins words, phrases, or clauses and indicates their relationship.

Interjection – used to express emotion.

Step #3: Listening

Start listening to different types of content. You can watch TV shows or videos and listen to podcasts or radio. Try to sing along with your favorite songs. This will help you understand both word meaning and pronunciation. Next, try to listen to English conversations. Try to pick out the words you are learning or trying to learn. Then, write a summary of the conversation.

Don’t focus on individual words; listen to phrases to better understand the conversation. Listen for positive or negative words to know whether they are happy about the subject. You can start listening to the details once you figure out phrases and conversation sentiments. Listen for word tone or inflection. This can change the meaning of a word or point to the emotion behind the phrase.

Another way you will improve your listening skills is by reading and listening at the same time. You can get a transcript from an interesting YouTube video or listen to an audiobook while reading the hard copy of that book. This will allow you to understand more quickly what you are hearing and put words to what you are listening to.

Step #4: Speaking

A great way to start speaking English quickly is by repeating words after they are said. Repetition is essential in learning English and will be used during a Vocational ESL program. Once you master the content, try to record yourself saying the sentences to see how closely your speech matches the content you are listening to. You will get plenty of practice talking to classmates during the class.

Step #5: Pronunciation

During the Vocational ESL program, you will learn how to enunciate properly. It can be challenging to follow native English speakers as they may speak quickly. Instructors will help you slow down and enunciate your words. They will help you with phonemes and distinct sounds in English that distinguish one word from another. Another good educational trick is to try “tongue twisters.” These trip up even the most fluent English speakers. Ultimately, you will learn by speaking with fellow ESL students and helping each other with your pronunciation.

Step #6: Reading

Reading involves comprehension, interpretation, and decoding of the English language. When learning to read, nothing is better than practice. You will start with books you are interested in and progress your reading level as you read. Before you know it, you will be reading fluently.

Step #7: Writing

Writing is an essential part of communication. Once you have learned to speak and read, it is time to learn how to write. The ability to write helps you share your ideas and communicate with friends, family, and coworkers. Instructors will help you by offering a sentence or paragraph for you to mimic. You will want to emulate what you read and write something similar. Another great way to improve your writing skills is to proofread your writing and find the errors that need updating. Plus, instructors will gladly offer feedback to help you better interpret the English text.

Step #8: Grammar

Grammar is a set of guidelines that the English language is built upon. Proper grammar helps you communicate effectively. To master writing in English quickly, it is essential to learn proper grammar. One way to master grammar is by reading and analyzing content. Where are the periods and commas placed? Is the content using adjectives, adverbs, and verb conjugations properly? Once you learn about a grammar rule, you will write a sentence that uses the rule. This will help you reinforce the rules and help you when writing your content.

Want to Learn More?

Our Vocational English as a Second Language (ESL) training program is designed for student success. Interactive College of Technology offers live online and in-person English classes that fit your busy schedule. 

Our Vocational ESL classes are set up so your English develops skill by skill. Four rigorous courses help you comprehend English by combining lectures, labs, class discussions, and group activities. This effective method ensures Vocational ESL students are provided with English language skills and cultural transference.

You receive all Vocational ESL program materials to keep. You’ll also receive a personal email account, resume writing, job placement assistance, media center access, and more! Our campuses are located across Georgia and Texas.

Let’s learn English together! Contact us now to learn more.

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