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a woman is teaching english

How Do I Learn English Quickly?

Do you need to learn English for a new job? Want to communicate better with people in your community? Learning English has many benefits that you may or may not consider. Some jobs require English skills, it can be easier to get medical care by communicating in English, and you will be able to convey what you want or are looking for when shopping. There are many reasons to learn English; now it’s time to figure out how to learn English quickly. How Do I Learn English Quickly? You have options when learning English quickly. You can either learn on […]

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information technology professional in server room

What Can I Do with a CompTIA A+ Certification?

Are you interested in a career in information technology? The career path of an IT professional is as multifaceted as the possibilities available in modern computing. The sheer scope of the IT profession makes it an attractive career. However, this can also confuse IT students just starting out. How can I prepare to become an IT professional? IT professionals have a unique role in the information technology industry. Many professionals working in IT have a singular focus. For example, a network administrator will primarily focus on network infrastructure. On the other hand, a computer support specialist needs to work within […]

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business management working together in front of laptop

What Do You Learn in a Business Management Program?

Are you looking for a future in business management? You can get the knowledge, experience, and resources at Interactive College of Technology to succeed.   Our business management training program focuses on team management, understanding legal issues, customer service relations, the fundamentals of owning and running a small business, marketing strategies, day-to-day operations, accounting, and financial reports, ethical conduct and standards, and personnel management and employee development. In addition to these business management topics, you will build your skills to be a successful business leader.  What is Business Management? Business management oversees the many aspects that go into running a business. […]

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Woman regulating heating temperature with phone and thermostat at home

What is PLC in HVAC?

Are you fascinated by technology? Want to work outside the office? If this sounds like you, consider becoming an HVAC technician. Let Interactive College of Technology teach you about the technology that powers the future of HVAC. With a diploma in HVAC, you can help others stay comfortable indoors and enjoy a challenging career at the same time. It’s a win-win. What is HVAC? HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This includes the heating and cooling of residential and commercial buildings. In addition to keeping the indoor space warm or cool, an HVAC system can also improve air […]

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¿Cómo puedo empezar a aprender inglés?

¿Estás listo para aprender inglés pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Si quieres comunicarte con tu comunidad, conseguir un nuevo empleo o tomar un curso de formación técnica para empezar una nueva carrera, es esencial que aprendas inglés. La mayoría de las empresas buscan empleados que hablen inglés con fluidez para que puedan comunicarse con los clientes y compañeros de trabajo. Entonces, “¿cómo puedo empezar a aprender inglés?”. ¿Cómo puedo empezar a aprender inglés? Hay muchas opciones para aprender un nuevo idioma. Puedes aprender por tu cuenta o unirte a otras personas que estén aprendiendo inglés en un entorno formal. […]

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An information technology specialist is at work on her laptop

What are the Basics of IT?

Are you interested in information technology? If so, here are some of the basics of IT that you will learn about during the IT degree program at Interactive College of Technology. Did you know you can complete this program quicker than a 4-year traditional college program? At Interactive College of Technology (ICT), we focus only on what you need to start working as an IT professional. Start your journey toward a career as an IT professional, and ICT can help. So, what are the basics of IT? What is Information Technology? Information technology is the application of computers, devices, storage, […]

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Medical office administrator with hands folded

Do Medical Office Administrators Work with Patients?

Medicine is a broad field with many career opportunities. If you’re interested in healthcare but prefer managing staff rather than patients, there are jobs for you. As a medical office administrator, you’ll contribute to patient care but in an indirect, hands-off way. Let’s look at this essential role and how much time you’ll spend working directly with patients.  Do Medical Office Administrators Work with Patients Face-to-Face?  Careers in healthcare involve various degrees of patient contact. Nurses, for example, provide personal care and assist with personal hygiene and activities of daily living, such as showering, getting dressed, and using the toilet. […]

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¿Es difícil aprender inglés como segundo idioma?

¿Listo para aprender inglés? Te estás preguntando: “¿Es muy difícil aprender inglés como segundo idioma?”. No estás solo. Si quieres ganar independencia, conectar con tu comunidad y liberar tu potencial, déjanos ayudarte a entender por qué es difícil aprender inglés y qué puedes hacer para que sea más fácil. ¿Es difícil aprender inglés como segundo idioma? Aprender un nuevo idioma desde cero puede ser difícil, sobre todo si no tiene mucho parecido con tu idioma materno. Hay varias razones por las que cuesta mucho trabajo aprender inglés. Entre ellas: Reglas gramaticales La gramática es un sistema de reglas lingüísticas que […]

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Close-up Of Man's Hand Holding Mobile With Smart Home Control Icon Feature With Kitchen Background

Are There Smart HVAC Systems?

Technology is changing the HVAC landscape. HVAC systems have become updated with smart thermostats, algorithms, and smart sensors to improve air quality and comfort for homeowners. Along with these technological advances comes a demand for HVAC technicians trained in smart HVAC systems.  Do you want to train to become an HVAC technician that manages smart HVAC systems? Interactive College of Technology can help with our Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Residential program. Courses focus on refrigeration management, electrical circuits, HVAC computer fundamentals, customer service, and safety. After graduation, you are ready for an entry-level apprenticeship. So, what are smart HVAC […]

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A instructor is teeaching a class

Technical College vs Community College

Today’s higher education programs are diverse. Attending a traditional 4-year college isn’t your only option if you’re fresh out of high school. Community and technical colleges can help you meet your career goals with training in relevant fields. Which you choose, however, may immediately impact your job prospects.  Why Go to College after High School?  Most high school graduates go to college. However, some defer, opting to take a year or two off to rest, work, or travel while considering their career options. For some students, it’s a good idea. But going to college immediately after high school has clear […]

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