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Interactive College of Technology wants to help as many students as possible. However, to provide the best education possible to each individual and everyone in class, we do have some requirements. 

Each applicant must:

  1. Be interviewed in person or virtually by an admissions representative and demonstrate the capability to successfully pursue the selected academic program.
  2. Applicants enrolling in occupational programs must provide evidence of successful high school completion with a diploma or GED.
  3. Applicants enrolling in the VESL program may self-certify high school graduation, but if applying for Title IV assistance, the USDE may require proof of graduation. If proof cannot be provided, Title IV Aid cannot be received, and the student is responsible for the full balance of tuition and fees.
  4. Applicants who are entering college for the first time must attend classes on campus the first semester, unless they live outside a 25-mile radius from the nearest campus and receive approval from the Academic Dean / Director of Education prior to enrollment. After one semester with a greater than 3.0 GPA, the student may petition the Department Chairperson for approval to take available virtual classes. This approval, if granted, can be revoked at any time at the Department Chairperson discretion.
  5. 5(a). Students who have attended other colleges and who did not achieve at least one term with a GPA above 2.0 are admitted with a FINANCIAL AID WARNING STATUS and must achieve good standing in Semester One, or they become a candidate for dismissal.  



    • 5(b). All applicants who are native English speakers seeking admission into an occupational diploma or degree program who have not completed one or more years of satisfactory postsecondary education must take the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) to determine the need for improvement in the basic skills areas of reading, English, or mathematics. Applicants must successfully complete these classes in addition to meeting all other general requirements. Additional tuition charges apply.  


    • 5(c). Applicants whose native language is other than English will take the CaMLA instead of the TABE and must achieve at least a B level and have an interview with the Department Chairperson or Program Coordinator. The purpose of the interview is to determine the applicant possesses adequate English skills to succeed in the academic program.  


  6. Complete an evaluation to determine course exemptions and the most appropriate course of study. This evaluation will also aid the applicant in determining career goals.  


  7.  Be beyond the age of compulsory school attendance.  


  8. Make satisfactory arrangements for payment of tuition and fees.  


  9. Complete a Drug-Free Certification Statement and certification that a Campus tour of facilities and equipment has been provided.